Collection: Online lessons

Reed making, oboe and english horn online lessons with professional oboist Natalia Mielnik. Dedicated to oboists who are just beginning their adventure as well as those who are already advanced in playing the oboe and making reeds. After the payment, you will receive an email in which you can choose your ideal lesson date.

Meet my international

Oboe class

Anastasia Mercer

from Italy, began playing the oboe by studying only online in Natalia Mielnik's oboe class. After 3 months of playing the oboe, she was able to start preparing for the entrance exam to oboe class in Verona Conservatory. She successfully passed and is now studying at this university.

Oliwia Czapnik

from Poland, studied in the oboe class of Natalia Mielnik at the music school in Bielsko-Biała. She won top places in international competitions:

1st place - ISCART (Switzerland)

1st place - International Music Moscow Competition (Russia)

2nd place - Ars Astra (Russia)

3rd place - 5th Pomeranian Oboe Festival Online (Poland)

3rd place - OPUS (Poland)

Oliwia passed to oboe class in Music Conservatory in Katowice, Poland.

Jasper Lau

from Hong Kong, joined oboe class in April 2023 to prepare for the end-of-year oboe exam in Australian Music School Melbourne. He successfully passed the exam with an A grade. He continues to study with Natalia Mielnik. In August 2023 he won 3rd prize in ADRS Double Reed National Competition in Australia.

Dominik Bojęś

from Poland, studied in the oboe class of Natalia Mielnik at the music school in Bielsko-Biała. He won international competitions:

3rd place - Ars Astra (Russia)

3rd place - 5th Pomeranian Oboe Festival Online (Poland)

3rd place - Second National Bohdan Lukaszewicz Oboe Competition (Poland)

Stephanie Miranda

from Mexico. Won audition for 1st oboe player in Guanajuato Sinfonietta.

Katherina Ivashina

oboist from Russia. With online lessons she was preparing for auditions to study in University in Vladivostok, Russia. She won this audition in July 2023.

Diogo Ribeiro

from Brazil.

Ann-Kathrin Kösters

from Germany.

Raquel Pampa

from USA.

Helena Repko

from Poland.

Salma Mansour

from Egypt

Henrique Issamu

from Japan

Wendel Nunes

from Ireland

Psalm Fuerzas

from Philippines

Jorden Ames

from USA.

Torsten Schmidt

from Germany.

Natalia Mielnik

I'm a founder and owner of, professional oboist from Poland who taught online more than 120 oboists. I sell reeds all over the world and through the well-known company My philosophy is to give oboists around the world the opportunity to develop in oboe playing and to show that making reeds is not as difficult as it seems.