Welcome to the oboist's place!

The place where you can buy handcrafted and seasoned reeds, learn reed-making and oboe from the comfort of your own home and buy awesome products. Look what's new!

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Special prices

Check the best deals of reeds and accessories. You can find here great ideas for a gift for oboe player.

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oboe and english horn


Seasoned more than 4 months and fully handmade with European scraping style. Worldwide shipping. For professional, advanced and student oboe players. Made by professional oboist Natalia Mielnik.

get the reed

reed making


Designed and made by oboi.st with intention to make reed making easier and faster. If you make your own reeds, definitely check out this site.

take me there

reed making ~ oboe ~ english horn

Online lessons

For oboists of all levels. From the comfort of your own home you can learn how to play the oboe or make reeds from the beginning. Learn how to become a better musician and find your own reed-making style.

let's meet online

Hi, I'm Natalia Mielnik

I'm the founder and owner of oboi.st, a professional oboist from Poland who taught online more than 120 oboists. I sell my reeds all over the world! You can also buy my reeds through the well-known company Oboeshop.de and Howarth of London My philosophy is about giving oboists around the world the opportunity to develop their oboe playing and to show that making reeds is not as difficult as it seems.